Happy Birthday, Abby!

Joshua Steele · September 26, 2009

It’s hard to believe, but as of Friday, September 25th, our little Abigail is four years old! We are unspeakably grateful for her little life and for the privilege of being her parents. Here are few pictures from her birthday party with our family.

Abby's first present was a new Bible. She always wants one to follow along during our family Bible time, and now she has one. Abby’s first present was a new Bible. She always wants one to follow along during our family Bible time, and now she has one.

The next present was a biiiig one... The next present was a biiiig one…

"Wow! A dollhouse!" “Wow! A dollhouse!”

Mommy helps with the setup. Definitely a winning idea for Abby's birthday. Mommy helps with the setup. Definitely a winning idea for Abby’s birthday.

We would like to thank all of our family and friends who sent gifts and greetings to Abigail on her birthday. We appreciate so much your part in her life. Please pray that God will continue to guide us and give wisdom from above as we train Abigail up in the ways of the Lord.

Other Abby News

For the past year or more, Abby has shown a keen interest in music. She has demonstrated her talent by teaching herself to play familiar melodies on the piano. Songs she hears on her CD player during room time inevitably get plinked out on the piano later. Abby has also shown great interest in Kelsie’s violin. So, a couple of weeks ago, we bought her a small beginner’s violin. Abby was thrilled, and is already learning to play some songs with Mommy.

Abby practices her violin. Abby practices her violin.

To God be the Glory

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