This past week, our team held a four-day English Club in the Carpathian town of Skole. (pronounced skó-leh) This outreach was actually begun by a Ukrainian friend of ours, Sergiy Chepara, who is native to Skole.

Doors Opening in Skole

Joshua Steele · April 1, 2012

This past week, our team held a four-day English Club in the Carpathian town of Skole. (pronounced skó-leh) This outreach was actually begun by a Ukrainian friend of ours, Sergiy Chepara, who is native to Skole.

Every morning, Jessie, Denise and I made the 1.5 drive to Skole for the meetings which began at 11am. These usually lasted until 1:00 or so, after which we would drive back to L’viv. It was a rather tiring ordeal, but God certainly blessed.

After our last meeting on Thursday, the whole group went for a walk in the woods near Skole.

We had a wonderful group of enthusiastic students. Our main goal was to build relationships with them as well as with the school administrators, and all indicators point to a very successful outcome. As always, English is merely a door to greater things to come, and we would appreciate your prayers for Sergiy, for our team, and for the advancement of the Gospel among the Ukrainians in Skole.

Jessie explains with the chalkboard.

Sergiy Chepara organized this outreach and was also an active participant in the classes

Denise Hutchison teaches vocabulary words.

We had many engaging group activities!

Some people never get old.

To God be the Glory

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