This summer, we printed our Ukrainian translation of Learning from the Atheists, by Michael Pearl.

A Time to Write

Joshua Steele · December 8, 2020

Ministry in a COVID-19 world continues to present both challenges and opportunities. With face-to-face meetings often restricted, we are again reminded of the value of the printed page — both physical and digital. For the past several months, our team has devoted more effort to writing, and in particular, to translation.

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This summer, we finally printed our Ukrainian translation of Michael Pearl’s Learning from the Atheists. We’ve had the Ukrainian text for quite a while — an initiative begun by Serhii Chepara several years ago — but it needed review and page layout. Now the project is complete and copies are circulating among believers in L’viv and other parts of Ukraine.

After losing the Zhylavy family in 2019, we began to search for a new Ukrainian translator. Serhii introduced us to Fedir Levchuk, and we decided to hire him for a small project as a trial run. After several weeks of collaboration with Fedir, we completed our translation of another of Mike’s booklets: Pornography: Road to Hell. We were very pleased with the quality of Fedir’s work, and we’ve already got him busy on our next translation project — this time, a full book. By Divine Design, by Michael Pearl, is a book I’ve wanted to translate for a long time, and one that was instrumental in bringing my good friend Nathan Day to Christ many years ago. We’ve now completed two chapters, and Fedir is hard at work on chapter 3.

Local Church Ministry

Despite the afore-mentioned challenges of the pandemic, our involvement in our local church here in L’viv seems only to have grown. I am preaching regularly on Sundays, and two of our daughters (Abigail and Hosanna) sing most every week with the music ministry. These people are like family to us, and we’re so grateful for the part we have in this body!

How You Can Pray

  • Our Bible First course in Ukraine is still going strong with around 90–100 active students at any one time. Pray that God would continue to bring fruit in this ministry.
  • Pray for wisdom regarding CMO 2021 relative to the pandemic. More details coming soon…
  • Pray for health and strength for our family.
  • Pray for peace and liberty in Ukraine.

Keep scrolling for more photos from our family and ministry!

To God be the Glory

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