I Remember You

Joshua Steele · July 31, 2024


When our precious mother passed into eternity in the early hours of July 27, I was rushing back from Ukraine to be with her. I was on a bus at the Polish/Ukrainian border when I received the news via text message. I stared at the ceiling and choked back tears as I whispered goodbye to Mom.

The sorrow is heavy to bear, and yet we are comforted in the knowledge that God is with us. He is merciful, He is faithful, and His grace is sufficient.

Still, this is an incredibly difficult time for all our family, and our hearts are breaking. Here I have poured out mine.

July 31, 2024

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” (Psalms 116:15)

Oh, Mom, how can it be that you are not here with me? I came home to Steele Creek, to the home you built for us, but you were gone.

All these years we walked together, and you taught me, you corrected me, you sang to me and held me. You loved me. You were the mother any son would dream to have.

But now you have flown away, and I am left in sorrow. Mom, I grieve your passing, and I miss you terribly. I struggle to bear the silence as I notice your fingerprints all around me: the beauty and color you created in our family.

Every day I had with you was a gift — a treasure that can never be replaced. And yet, through my tears, I rejoice. I would not call you back if I could, for I know you are at rest in His presence.

Think of me today as you walk on Heaven’s paths. I cling to every memory of you that I have. Let my heart never forget your wisdom, nor my ears your voice as I await the day of our reunion.

You ran your race so well. In life, you served others with every ounce of strength God gave you. Your life was light and joy to all who knew you. People saw Jesus in you.

Mom, I love you. Thank you for loving me and pouring out yourself for me. I will continue on the path you showed me. I will follow Jesus to the very end, as you did, and then I, too, will fly away to where you are. And we will embrace, and we will rejoice, and no tear will ever again escape our eyes.

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

To God be the Glory

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